The heart behind our anti-trafficking network in Peru is to rescue and empower women. We founded Toda Cadena, which means Every Chain in Spanish, so that we could fight to break the chains of human trafficking off of women who are being trafficked in Peru. The mission of Toda Cadena is to educate, train, and equip churches, organizations, and individuals to end sex trafficking and bring restoration to all victims of exploitation. 


God has connected us with many women through our anti trafficking hotline, which is always printed on a card in the gift bags that we hand out on outreach nights. Through that hotline, women can message our team, and whenever they ask for help, we can immediately step in and be available for them, entering them into our small business startup program and relocating them to a safe place. 


In Psalm 82:3-4 the Bible tells us to “Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”


Our national staff and volunteers in Peru are working diligently to carry out this mission and transform women into small business owners. We see the miracle of rescue happen over and over again as a woman goes from a life of enslavement to a life of empowerment, owning her own business and earning money with dignity. 


Thank you for partnering with us to make this possible. 


In Christ, 


Ellyn Hunt

Missions Director 

The Lily and The Sparrow